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How to add business Gmail addresses to signup forms on Squarespace

Christopher Seeto

Image of kaizoku Alliance's sign up service form page

Image of kaizoku Alliance's sign up service form page

A problem we had to fix on our Squarespace website was adding multiple Gmail address to our forms.  How do you add multiple Gmail addresses when you are the only Gmail user on Google Apps for Work?  It took us a while to find the solution and it was a really simple. 

If you have the personal Squarespace service, then you need to connect Google Apps for Work before you even attempt the solution.  You will need to follow the steps suggested in our article ‘How we were able to solve the problem of connecting Gmail to Squarespace’. 

Once you have connected Gmail to Squarespace, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Login to your Google Apps for Work account and go straight to Admin section
  • Click on ‘User’ and then click on the name of the ‘Active User’ that you want to set up the Gmail address for
  • When their profile comes up click on ‘Account’
  • Go to the section that says ‘Aliases’ and click on ‘Add an alias’
  • Type in the Gmail alias or Gmail aliases that you want the person to have e.g. and/or

Then head back to your Squarespace account

  • Go to the form that you want to add the Gmail account and go to ‘Settings’ and add the Gmail address that you want the form to go to e.g.
  • Save your changes
  • Test your form by filling it in and then sending it

The form should appear in your Gmail address -

For better emailing campaigns you should connect the form to your MailChimp account.  When you add MailChimp to the form, it sends the information to the emailing list that you have set up for it.  (MailChimp is the partner of choice for your Squarespace website).

We hope this solution makes setting up multiple Gmail addresses for your business simple for you.  Do you use multiple email addresses for your business?  Is this the way you setup multiple Gmail addresses for your website?

How to add PayPal purchase buttons to your Squarespace website

Christopher Seeto

Image of PayPal for business website

Image of PayPal for business website

To add an e-commerce section to your website, it is difficult to find the right platform for your business.  When we chose Squarespace, we knew we would get Stripe as an e-commerce platform for the website.  We were impressed by the simple to understand sales and revenue reports.  However, choosing the personal plan limited us to only selling one product. 

We needed another option to sell more products on the website.  After looking around we selected PayPal because it is one of the world's widely used e-commerce pay platform.

You can add PayPal buttons on to your Squarespace site without having any coding experience.  The following is simplified steps of how we did.

When creating your Squarespace website

  • Enabling a site-wide password allowed us to hide our website from the public
  • We created the Page (PayPal buttons only work on a Page) that we wanted to sell the product/service on
  • We then added the ‘code injection’ block under the products we wanted to sell

Head to PayPal and sign up for a business account.

  • You can add in your bank account details later (ensure you add the details before your website goes live)
  • Go to the set up section and select the HTML code section (2)
  • Click on the ‘create buttons’ after it opens up the explanation
  • Choose the button e.g. ‘Buy Now’ and give it a name
  • Select the attributes you want on the button such as quantities, low stock notice, etc
  • You can complete the two optional sections for the button
  • We recommend you do Step 2 to track sales and revenue which is handy for tax time
  • Once you have completed the sections click on the ‘Create’ button
  • This takes you to a screen which shows your created HTML code that can be injected to your website
  • Copy the HTML code

Go back to your Squarespace website

  • Go to your e-commerce page and select edit  
  • Go to the ‘Code Injection’ block and paste the PayPal code in to this section and save (the PayPal button should appear)
  • Save the Page and click on the button to ensure it takes you to the PayPal site

To edit your button, sign in to PayPal and go to “create buttons’.  Under the button types, click on ‘go to saved buttons’ and select the name of the button that you want to fix.

That is how we were able to add the PayPal buttons to our website.  Adding a PayPal button to your site may sound difficult if you have no coding experience, but this process will make it easier for you to add the buttons to your site.  Have you added PayPal buttons to your Squarespace site?  Did you do it this way or did you find an easier way to create the buttons?