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Adding A Twitter Stream To Your Squarespace Business Website

Christopher Seeto

Image of Instagram and Twitter stream when building Kaizoku Alliance website

Image of Instagram and Twitter stream when building Kaizoku Alliance website

As a startup business, you need to build your website and be on social media.  Most business websites built now have some sort of live feed from a social media channel added to it.  Squarespace makes adding a live stream of a social media or social media channels to your website very easy.   This article will take explain how you can add a social media stream like Twitter to your Squarespace website and the best strategy to achieve this.  There is no coding involved in setting it up.

 Begin by signing in to your Squarespace account and click on ‘Settings’

  • Go to ‘Connected Accounts’ and click on it
  • Click on ‘Connect Account’ to add a social media platform like Twitter or Instagram

Then go to the page that you want to add the Twitter stream to

  • At the spot, open up the insert box and find the ‘Twitter’ icon
  • Hint - Use ‘Space’ blocks to adjust size of the ‘Twitter’ stream
  • Click on the ‘Twitter’ icon to insert it on to the page
  • Click on the ‘Twitter’ account that you want to stream
  • Adjust how many tweets that you want to show in the stream example six tweets
  • Save the settings and the ‘Twitter’ stream should appear on your web page

If you have been posting to your Twitter account the stream will appear.  If you have been posting to your Twitter account then the stream will show nothing.  We found this out the hard way.

The best strategy before adding a live social media stream to your web page is to post to the account regularly.  If you are going to post once a day and you are going to show six tweets in the stream then we suggest you not to set up the social media stream until the tenth day.  If you are going to post one a week, then set it up on the seventh week.  Apply this strategy to your other social media channels like Instagram or Facebook that you want to stream on your business website.

This article should save you some time and help you to set up a social media stream for your business website.  We really enjoy using Squarespace to build our website.  If you are more adventurous, you can inject the HTML code using the ‘Code’ block.  Have you done it this way on your site?  Did you hate or like using the ‘Code’ block?  

How to add business Gmail addresses to signup forms on Squarespace

Christopher Seeto

Image of kaizoku Alliance's sign up service form page

Image of kaizoku Alliance's sign up service form page

A problem we had to fix on our Squarespace website was adding multiple Gmail address to our forms.  How do you add multiple Gmail addresses when you are the only Gmail user on Google Apps for Work?  It took us a while to find the solution and it was a really simple. 

If you have the personal Squarespace service, then you need to connect Google Apps for Work before you even attempt the solution.  You will need to follow the steps suggested in our article ‘How we were able to solve the problem of connecting Gmail to Squarespace’. 

Once you have connected Gmail to Squarespace, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Login to your Google Apps for Work account and go straight to Admin section
  • Click on ‘User’ and then click on the name of the ‘Active User’ that you want to set up the Gmail address for
  • When their profile comes up click on ‘Account’
  • Go to the section that says ‘Aliases’ and click on ‘Add an alias’
  • Type in the Gmail alias or Gmail aliases that you want the person to have e.g. and/or

Then head back to your Squarespace account

  • Go to the form that you want to add the Gmail account and go to ‘Settings’ and add the Gmail address that you want the form to go to e.g.
  • Save your changes
  • Test your form by filling it in and then sending it

The form should appear in your Gmail address -

For better emailing campaigns you should connect the form to your MailChimp account.  When you add MailChimp to the form, it sends the information to the emailing list that you have set up for it.  (MailChimp is the partner of choice for your Squarespace website).

We hope this solution makes setting up multiple Gmail addresses for your business simple for you.  Do you use multiple email addresses for your business?  Is this the way you setup multiple Gmail addresses for your website?