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What we learnt from analysing our first 8 weeks on Twitter

Christopher Seeto

Credit Image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter account

Credit Image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter account

A startup business should always analyse or review your social media channels.  It is very easy for a business to get caught up in the data that is available to them on these social media channels.  If your business has set some social media goals (which you should do), then you should be able to use the analytic data from your social media channel and compare them to the goals you have set.  This will enable any business to determine if they are on the right course to meet their objectives or if they need to alter the plan.  We decided to analyse our first 8 weeks on Twitter.

When we first started out on Twitter, we only had a couple of followers.  We had no logo, bio, cover image and weren’t posting regularly.  The image below is what Twitter Analytics showed us after week one. 

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic at start 

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic at start 

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic summary at start

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic summary at start

Here is what it looks like after 8 weeks.  As you can see there is a growth in new followers, tweet impressions, tweets and profile visits.

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic - 8 weeks

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic - 8 weeks

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic summary - 8 weeks (September)

Credit image of Kaizoku Alliance Twitter Analytic summary - 8 weeks (September)

After analysing Twitter’s data, we recommend the following strategy to start growing your followers:

  • Post regularly
  • Use hashtags that relate to your industry and business
  • Provide information or articles that can help solve other businesses or people’s problems
  • Use Tweriod to analyse the best times for you to tweet (we did this on week 7)
  • Retweet other businesses or people’s tweets
  • Use images or photos in your tweets – a must as people are consuming visual content now
  • Engage and respond to tweets directed to you promptly

There are some tactics that we are yet to apply, such as:

  • Targeting a list of followers to help promote your business i.e. influencers or industry experts
  • Say thanks and mention business or people
  • Cross promote content from other social media channels or blog articles

There are so many tactics that can be used to grow your followers in your startup business.  Do you use any of these tactics?  What tactics do you recommend using to grow followers? Do you find any of these tactics helpful?

Adding A Twitter Stream To Your Squarespace Business Website

Christopher Seeto

Image of Instagram and Twitter stream when building Kaizoku Alliance website

Image of Instagram and Twitter stream when building Kaizoku Alliance website

As a startup business, you need to build your website and be on social media.  Most business websites built now have some sort of live feed from a social media channel added to it.  Squarespace makes adding a live stream of a social media or social media channels to your website very easy.   This article will take explain how you can add a social media stream like Twitter to your Squarespace website and the best strategy to achieve this.  There is no coding involved in setting it up.

 Begin by signing in to your Squarespace account and click on ‘Settings’

  • Go to ‘Connected Accounts’ and click on it
  • Click on ‘Connect Account’ to add a social media platform like Twitter or Instagram

Then go to the page that you want to add the Twitter stream to

  • At the spot, open up the insert box and find the ‘Twitter’ icon
  • Hint - Use ‘Space’ blocks to adjust size of the ‘Twitter’ stream
  • Click on the ‘Twitter’ icon to insert it on to the page
  • Click on the ‘Twitter’ account that you want to stream
  • Adjust how many tweets that you want to show in the stream example six tweets
  • Save the settings and the ‘Twitter’ stream should appear on your web page

If you have been posting to your Twitter account the stream will appear.  If you have been posting to your Twitter account then the stream will show nothing.  We found this out the hard way.

The best strategy before adding a live social media stream to your web page is to post to the account regularly.  If you are going to post once a day and you are going to show six tweets in the stream then we suggest you not to set up the social media stream until the tenth day.  If you are going to post one a week, then set it up on the seventh week.  Apply this strategy to your other social media channels like Instagram or Facebook that you want to stream on your business website.

This article should save you some time and help you to set up a social media stream for your business website.  We really enjoy using Squarespace to build our website.  If you are more adventurous, you can inject the HTML code using the ‘Code’ block.  Have you done it this way on your site?  Did you hate or like using the ‘Code’ block?